Practitioner attitudes towards the Global Campaign for Media Freedom

In this factsheet, we present the results of an online survey of 64 media freedom activists and independent media professionals based in 24 countries where media freedom is under threat. The survey asked respondents whether the Global Campaign for Media Freedom is helping to defend media freedom, and how it compares to other media freedom / development initiatives.

Key findings

1. Over three quarters (78%) of respondents had heard of the Global Campaign for Media Freedom (GCMF).

2. A slim majority (59%) of respondents were positive about the work of the GCMF so far and agreed that ‘it is helping to defend media where it is under threat around the world’.

3. Compared to other international media freedom initiatives, the Global Campaign for Media Freedom is perceived relatively favourably, especially given that it has only recently been established.

4. Qualitative comments indicate cautious optimism about the GCMF amongst a majority of respondents.
